3 Ways to Use Drift Video to Close Deals

By Drift

You’re so close to getting that deal you’ve been working for months over the finish line. But you need to pull out all the stops to get it done. So what are you going to do? Send another boring email? Not likely to help much. Instead, you can use Drift’s video capture software to send dynamic, personalized videos to get the contract signed. Keep reading for three ways you can use Drift Video to help close deals faster.

And if you’re looking for even more tips on how to use video to close deals, check out the full Drift Insider course here.

1. The Legal & Security Review

Your legal team can use video to overcome any security and legal concerns that arise during the negotiating process. Video helps your team clearly communicate and cover common objections to speed up the deal. To save time, your legal team can use a standard canned video response they’ve pre-recorded, but for bigger, more complicated deals, we recommend something personalized and custom.

2. The Pricing Play

Make a video to clearly explain pricing for the respective deal. Be sure to lock the video so only those you want to see it actually do. Once the buyer is viewing the video, you can jump in and chat in real time while they’re reviewing pricing details.

3. Land and Expand

Video isn’t just valuable to close new business. You can use it to expand and upsell into your existing customer-base. How? It allows you to create a hyper-personalized touchpoint for existing customers. Invite your account management team over to your desk and have them jump into the video with you. Account managers can speak more to how the customer is already using your product and where they could gain additional value. It’s sincere, not sales-y.

Looking for even more ways to get started with Drift Video? You can get all of our plays for prospecting, working opportunities, and closing deals on Drift Insider.