3 Ways to Use Drift Video for Sales Prospecting

By Drift

Use Drift Video for sales prospecting

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Video is eating the world. When an in person meeting isn’t an option, there’s simply no better way to connect than over video. And this is especially true for cold outreach and prospecting. Video makes you human. It shows your personality and can instantly establish a connection with whomever you’re reaching out to.

But are you using video in the most effective ways to prospect? Or at all? I’ll walk you through a few of my favorite use cases for prospecting with video below. But if you’re looking for even more tips on how to use video to prospect, you’ll want to check out the full Drift Insider course here.

1. The Attention Grabber

No one wants to talk to sales reps. Don’t feel bad for us, it’s just the truth. So instead of introducing yourself with a standard cold email, find something your prospect cares about and connect on that. Share a video that grabs their attention early on to help meet your goal of scheduling a meeting. The point here is to create credibility. Lead with how you’ll help them.

2. The Ego Trap

Do your research. Check out a prospect’s LinkedIn and social accounts. Google their company and name. Find some things you can “pat them on the back” with. Bring up some of the things they recently shared and why they’re interesting and relevant to how you could help them.

3. Recent News

Recent news makes for a great reason to reach out. So again, do your research. Find something about the company in the news – that could be organizational changes, funding, or even a great blog post they just published. Congratulate them and make it all about them. They’ll appreciate the extra effort and research you put into the outreach.

Looking for even more ways to get started with Drift Video? You can get all of our plays for prospecting, working opportunities and closing deals on Drift Insider.