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Real-time, two-way chat translation.

Customer Success & Support, CRM & sales engagement

Developed by: Lokalise Inc.

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About Lokalise

Lokalise Messages for Drift is an integration that translates conversations between customers and your company in real-time, using neural machine translation. 

With 100+ languages available, you can delight customers and prospects in their native languages while leaving your current workflows untouched.

  • For customer support teams: Ensure all customers experience the same level of service without disrupting your operations or adding agents for their language skills. Keep teams lean while serving a global audience in their preferred language.
  • For marketing and sales teams: Improve deal velocity, engagement, and conversion in any language. Don’t miss out on opportunities to scale your outreach and link up with prospects worldwide, instantly connecting with them on any channel, in any language.

With the Lokalise Messages integration with Drift, you can seamlessly translate your conversations and deliver consistent localized experiences throughout the entire customer journey.

Being able to chat with and provide support to our users in their native language, in real time, at all times is game-changing. Doubly so, given the urgent nature of most requests.
Jacob Palmer, International Growth Manager at

Lokalise and Drift

AI-powered neural machine translation

Real-time machine translation of Drift inbox conversations in 100+ languages, powered by artificial intelligence.

Analytics dashboard

Get full visibility of the volume of interactions per language with a language stats dashboard.


Make sure common industry and company terminology is correctly translated, or not translated at all, with customized glossary entries.